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What is a

Samaritans are a range of people who believe in people, are emotionally resilient,
and are ready to lend a listening ear to anyone in distress. Your providing of a
safe space in a confidential and non-judgemental manner can be the difference
between life and death, for someone who may have no one else to turn to.

With an increase seen in both the number of individuals in distress as well as
those reaching out for support, the need for an inspired array of volunteers is
crucial now more than ever. By joining us as a volunteer, you’ll be providing
anonymous emotional support to anyone who may be in need of a listening ear –
be it an elderly client suffering in isolation, a student struggling with school, or
anyone facing a form of crisis.

What are the benefits to being a Samaritan?

You can look forward to:

  • A comprehensive volunteer training programme.
  • One-to-one supervision.
  • Opportunities for learning, self-growth and development.
  • Support from professional staff.
  • Great friendships with like-minded others.
  • A sense of well-being from helping someone emotionally through a crisis.

Who should apply?

You should be:

  • Able to dedicate 3-4 hours a week, and one overnight a month, to volunteer with SOS.
  • Ready to volunteer for at least 1 year (for CareText volunteers) and 2 years (for Hotline volunteers) upon completion of volunteer training.
  • Willing to abide by a strict anonymity and confidentiality policy.
  • Comfortable in communicating in English; added language proficiencies are a bonus.
  • Open to learning and volunteering the SOS way!
  • At least 18 years old (for CareText volunteers) and 23 years old (for Hotline volunteers).

What skills, experience, and qualifications are preferred?

Varied life and working experience are beneficial while emotional maturity is a must. The ability to show genuine concern and provide a listening ear without judgement is also crucial.

What is the volunteer training programme about?

Volunteer Training Programme

  • PHASE 1
    Acquire essential listening and verbal responses skills through classroom learning and role plays.
  • PHASE 2
    Handle calls with the supervision of an experienced mentor and/or text simulations.
  • PHASE 3
    Continue growing through advanced skills training.

Can I use this opportunity to clock practicum hours?

Volunteering hours may not be used for clocking practicum hours.

SOS also places great emphasis on self-care. Trainee/professional counsellors may find that volunteering with SOS may be emotionally demanding in addition to your professional workload.

Where does the training and volunteering take place?

Training and volunteering will take place at the SOS office:
‍10 Cantonment Close, #01-01, Singapore 080010.

SOS offers two service-based volunteering opportunities to support the at-risk
community. Through these services, you will be equipped with active
listening skills, how to support a distressed individual through empathetic
approaches, explore their struggles in greater detail through open-ended
questions, and assess their risk of suicide to refer them
to the appropriate resource channels.

These skills may also be transferable in other areas of
our lives, strengthening our connections with those around us and
providing support to anyone who may need it.

24-hour Hotline: 1767

Compared to before the COVID-19 pandemic,
SOS’ 24-hour Hotline has experienced a 30%
increase in call volume, receiving close to 6,000
calls every month. On average, volunteers attend
to an average of 8 persons in distress per shift.


  • Aged 23 and above
  • Proficient in English
  • Open-minded

24-hour CareText: 9151 1767 (via WhatsApp)

Officially launched in 2022, our CareText
platform has been essential in providing
additional avenues of support to the growing at-
risk community, specifically among youths. As of
September 2022, 82% of our CareText service
users were identified as aged 29 and below, with


  • Aged 18 and above
  • Proficient in English
  • Proficient in Text Messaging
  • Open-minded

To sign-up to be a service-based volunteer, please fill in the following form:

Service-based Volunteer Form

Skill-based volunteering is a role that supports and strengthens
the capabilities of our organisation through the specific talents, experiences
and resources of our volunteers. Some examples include serving on
our Board of Directors, Committees, task forces, as advisors, consultants
or any other role that SOS is in need of.
Recruitment is on an ad-hoc basis, and the commitment depends
on the terms and conditions of each project.

Skill-based volunteers are deployed to committees, include and not limiting to:

  • Audit and Risk Committee
  • Fundraising Committee
  • Governance and Nominating Committee
  • Human Resource Committee
  • Information Technology Committee
  • Programme & Services Committee
  • Strategic Planning Committee

To sign-up to be a skill-based volunteer, please fill in the following form:

Skill-based Volunteer Form

What is the volunteer application process like and how do I apply?

You may fill in the Volunteer Application form online.

Shortlisted candidates will be invited for a potential volunteer briefing, ‘Be a Samaritan Programme’ and subsequently a face-to-face interview to assess their suitability for the volunteer training programme.

Applications are accepted all year round while interviews and training are conducted regularly.

For more information, please reach out to us via
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